On the road in June: conferences & books on Prehistoric bodies (and a goat in a sweater)

Over the past month I’ve been travelling between countries, and cities, gathering some recently released books & news on projects dealing in various forms with Prehistoric bodies. These are some of the highlights:

Paris UISPP Conference, 4-9 June

My research focuses on interpreting settlement human remains from the Balkan Neolithic, and has thus far been divided between evaluating current interpretation – from DNA based narratives (see article published ), to new materialism takes (article in press)-, to a re-evaluation of the archaeological discoveries per se. On the latter I did a recent presentation during a very interesting workshop led by Prof John Robb in Cambrige on Commingled Human Remains in Settlements, with Jess Beck, Ioanna Moutafi, Jess Thompson, Argyro Nafplioti & Leah Damman; more to come soon! In Paris I gave a talk focused on the first part of the project, namely on:

Epistemology and the posthuman turn: a critique of the function attributed to ‘theory’ in the latest archaeological models

In their latest article, Þora Petursdottir and Bjørnar Olsen (2017) write: ‘Like drift matter on an Arctic shore, theories are adrift. They are not natives of any particular territory, but nomads in a mixed world’. They then continue to compare the theories’ adrift-ness with that of wood lying on a beach shore, which in turn prompts a meditation on ‘hybrid assemblages’ and ultimately a posthuman condition. While this text makes an enjoyable poetic reading, it is rather representative for a number of works which raise important epistemological concerns- works that have been labelled under the banner of ‘the new ontological turn’. These strands of thought have permeated archaeology via the works of Gilles Deleuze, Bruno Latour, Donna Harway, Viveiros de Castro or Manuel DeLanda. However, the above assertions are highly problematic. Caught between ontological axioms and ‘practice focused’ approach, many of the new materialist/posthuman attempts end up as being mere poetic reflections, but with very little to add in terms of understanding what have made past assemblages be as they are. It is my goal in this paper to discuss what I see as the main problems for how archaeology frames its relation to the past in light of such works: (1) they raise important epistemological concerns, as they are advancing a world-view which has no criterion for validation or evaluation of the advanced hypothesis; (2) these accounts fail at opening up an inquiry to the elaboration of further hypothesis; instead, the focus seems to be on elaborate descriptions); (3) they seem to be using traditional archaeological concepts-agency, theory, context,- with a different, often times unhelpful or ambiguous, meaning. Ultimately, the implication is that while militating for a more inclusive ontological perspective, in reality they fall short exactly in providing a room for acknowledging the alterity of the past. Therefore, I take their case as a starting point for a critique of the function attributed to ‘theory’ in the latest strands of thought in archaeology.

And some snapshots from the scene:

Opening reception at  l’Ecole Normale Supérieure / Receptia de deschidere la Ecole Normale Supérieure


Two recently released books that I got in order to learn more about different academic schools’ perspectives on human remains, old or new- the Portuguese & the French. It should also be noted that Paris has great bookstores for academic books, especially the Anthropology-social theory section.

On this note, two other French books of good use to taphonomic discussions of human remains deposits:


…And a taste of Paris life:

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After Paris, and Cambridge where I ran the ‘Can science accommodate multiple ontologies? The genetics revolution and archaeological theory’ Workshop (11-12 June 2018), I spent a short time in Bucharest. It was enough to discover:

That Bjørnar Olsen is giving the city as an example in his book


Two (seems to be the key no.) recent titles on Neolithic settlements in Southern Romania


And to network a little at the opening of The Society for Romanian Studies international conference- though I was sorry that I had to miss the round table I should have been part of: ‘Whither Romanian Anthropology?’ organised by James Kapalo, and Narcis Tulbure.


Manchester ‘Grave Matters’ conference, 29 June

This one day international event was part of the ‘Grave goods: objects and death in later prehistoric Britain’ project (by Duncan Garrow, University of Reading, Melanie Giles, University of Manchester, and Neil Wilkin, British Museum) which ‘focuses on material culture in graves and other formal mortuary contexts in Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Britain, c. 4000 BC to AD 43’. The line-up sounded eye-catching, with names including Daniela Hoffman, Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Laurent Olivier, and many more.

I was interested to hear about the ways in which researchers working on materials from throughout Europe (Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, UK) tackle similar problems as the ones I encounter (e.g. Prehistoric structured depositions in pits including human remains vs those that don’t, fragmented human remains, cenotaphs etc.). It was just a pity that many of the presentations turned out to be quite conservative, and focused more on broader reviews of data, then pushing for a new take on the topic. Even so, it was interesting to hear them ‘live’, and Manchester city was a good place to be.

View during break time, under a glorious sun
The event started strong- with an ‘exploding coconut’
Laurent Olivier giving a ‘vintage talk’ to quote John Chapman


Bodies in Manchester Museum

Fittingly or not, the one month road trip ended on a similar note as its beginning, in Manchester Museum contemplating a display which seemed to illustrate how one might envisage some Posthumanist narratives:


Taking part in all these events has been possible thanks to the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 701230, for which I am grateful.



Pe drum in iunie: conferinte si carti despre corpuri preistorice (si o capra in pulover)

In luna iunie am participat la Paris la conferinta UISPP , 4-9 iunie. Cercetarea mea se apleaca asupra interpretarii osemintelor umane descoperite in asezari neolitice din Balcani si pana acum s-a impartit intre evaluarea tipurilor de interpretari recente, de la analize bazate pe ADN (vezi articol publicat ), si interpretari postumaniste (articol in press)-, la o revelauare a descoperirilor in sine (despre care am facut o prezentare recenta la un workshop interesant organizat de Prof John Robb in Cambrige pe tema Oseminte umane in morminte colective/ in asezari , cu Jess Beck, Ioanna Moutafi, Jess Thompson, Argyro Nafplioti & Leah Damman; mai multe pe subiect in curand!). In Paris am vorbit despre epistemologie si noile curente postumaniste.

In Bucuresti am gasit doua titluri recent publicate despre asezari Neolitice din sudul Romaniei (si o referinta a lui Bjørnar Olsen).

La Manchester am participat la conferinta ‘Grave Matters’, despre inventare funerare in preistoria europeana. Conferinta face parte din proiectul ‘Grave goods: objects and death in later prehistoric Britain’ si va fi urmata de o conferinta extinsa in luna mai 2019.

DivMeanBody at upcoming conferences

It has been a little quiet here lately, but only because I have been trying to get the data into shape. More details on the first results soon, when the article is out. But in the meantime, there are some exciting events coming up this year for the project.



Source: bonesdontlie

First stop on the map is next week, as part of the second meeting of the Philosophy of Historical Sciences Reading Group (at the McDonald Institute). The topic discussed will be Interdisciplinarity and the analysis of human remains. The interpretation of human remains discovered in Neolithic settlements in the Balkan area has shifted throughout the history of archaeology: from ignored finds to the most recent genetic narratives which turn them into migration markers. In the context of new inter/multi-disciplinary projects, the interpretation of such deposits, and the selection of individuals represented, seems to be discussed in reference to the changes that led to the transition to a Neolithic way of life, to migrations or movement of individuals among settlements (‘the foreigners’ hypothesis). However these narratives raise a couple of points that need a careful critical evaluation.



Taking this discussion further, DivMeanBody will be present at EAA2018 Conference. First session is the one I am co-organising with Liv Nilsson Stutz (Linnaeus University):

Session 151. Boundary bodies: Critically thinking the body in contemporary (osteo)archaeology.

The archaeological study of human remains has long suffered from a divide between scientific and cultural/embodied discourses with only a few explicit attempts to bridge it. In this session we propose to position the human body at the centre of this divide, as ‘boundary bodies’, and explore how scientific and theoretical propositions intersect on the territory of the body. This effort is articulated with a critical reflection on some of the latest scientific, theoretical or technical advances in the field of human remains research in (osteo)archeology. From a ‘DNA revolution’, to the digitisation of the dead, from advances in archaeothanatology to the appearance of new subdisciplines, such as biohistory, our field has been lately marked by new questions and ethical and methodological concerns. Following on from some recent scholarship focused on the conditions of knowledge production on past human bodies (Crossland and Joyce 2015; Nillson Stutz 2016; Stojanowski and Duncan 2017), we aim to dismantle the illusion that this knowledge is a straightforward matter, and instead link it to the fields of ethics, law, heritage, and cultural anthropology.

We welcome thought-provoking contributions that critically engage with the archaeological body and its deposition context, and the impact of latest theoretical or methodological strands (e.g. from the challenges of biohistorical investigation, posthumanism, to the dead in the digital realm, the implications of hard sciences investigations, or the divide death/burial archaeology). This session will run together with the more practically inclined ‘Manipulated bodies: Case studies of post-mortem interactions with human remains’ session.

This session is paired with Session 154. Manipulated bodies: Case studies of post-mortem interactions with human remains organised with Elizabeth Craig-Atkins (University of Sheffield), and Marianne Hem Eriksen (University of Oslo).

Following death, the human body becomes the focus of a diverse range of activities conducted by the living. While burial in an earthen grave in a location designated for the disposal of the dead has been normative practice throughout the past in many locations across Europe, there are also a multitude of other ways in which the dead have been, and continue to be, managed. These include non-burial forms of funerary treatment, intentional exhumations, the responses to unintentional disturbances and forms of collection and curation of human remains. From bones in ossuaries and human remains in museum collections to puzzling body parts discovered beneath prehistoric houses, people have been curating others throughout the centuries. What can we learn from such post-mortem biographies, and what are the challenges faced by archaeologists and curators?

This session aims to highlight potential comparative perspectives across social, cultural and temporal contexts, thereby examining the reasons why, contexts within and means by which the material body is manipulated after death. This session seeks to draw together applied research and cases studies that examine post-mortem interactions with the dead and the archaeological body.

The abstract submission deadline for both sessions is: 15 February 2018.

There will be some other interesting talks and papers, so stay tuned for that!

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DivMeanBody la conferinte viitoare

Linistea de pe blog din ultima vreme s-a datorat in parte timpului dedicat ordonarii datelor culese intr-o naratiune relevanta. Mai multe detalii despre primele rezultate ale cercetarii în curând, când articolul va fi publicat. Însă, între timp, se anunta o serie de evenimente interesante pentru acest proiect.

Prima oprire pe hartă este săptămâna viitoare, ca parte a celei de-a doua întâlniri a Grupului de lectură de Filosofia Stiințelor Istorice (la Institutul McDonald). Subiectul discutat va fi Interdisciplinaritatea și analiza rămășițelor umane. Interpretarea corpurilor umane descoperite în așezările neolitice din zona balcanică s-a schimbat de-a lungul istoriei arheologiei: de la descoperiri ignorate la cele mai recente analize genetice care le transformă în markeri ai migratiilor. În contextul unor noi proiecte inter / multidisciplinare, interpretarea acestor depozite și selectia persoanelor reprezentate sunt discutate în legătură cu schimbările care au condus la tranziția spre un mod neolitic de viață, cu migrații sau mișcari ale persoanelor intre asezari (“ipoteza străinilor”). Cu toate acestea, aceste narațiuni ridică câteva puncte care necesită o evaluare critică atentă.

Continuând această discuție, DivMeanBody va fi prezent la Conferința EAA2018.

Prima sesiune este cea co-organizata cu Liv Nilsson Stutz (Universitatea Linnaeus) cu tema: Corpurile limită: Gândirea critică a corpului în (osteo)arheologia contemporană.

Studiul arheologic al rămășițelor umane a suferit mult timp de pe urma diviziunii dintre discursurile științifice și cele culturale, cu doar câteva încercări explicite de a depasi bariera. În această sesiune ne propunem să poziționăm corpul uman în centrul acestei diviziuni, privit fiind ca un “corp de graniță” și să explorăm modul în care perspectivele teoretice și științifice se intersectează pe teritoriul corpului. Acest efort este articulat ca o reflecție critică asupra unora dintre cele mai recente progrese științifice, teoretice sau tehnice în domeniul cercetării ramasitelor umane în (osteo)arheologie. De la o “revoluție a ADN” la digitizarea morților, de la progresul arheotanatologiei până la apariția unor noi subdiscipine, cum ar fi bioistoria, domeniul nostru a fost marcat în ultimul timp de noi întrebări și preocupări etice și metodologice. În urma unor lucrari recente, axate pe condițiile de producere a cunoasterii asupra corpurilor umane din trecut (Crossland și Joyce 2015, Nillson Stutz 2016, Stojanowski și Duncan 2017), ne propunem să deconstruim iluzia că această cunoaștere este un adevar evident și in acelasi timp sa o legam de intrebari  din domeniile eticii, legislatiei, patrimoniului și antropologiei culturale.

Invitam contribuții provocatoare care abordeaza critic corpul arheologic și contextul său de depunere, precum și impactul ultimelor direcții teoretice sau metodologice (de exemplu, provocările cercetării bioistorice, postumanismului, morții în domeniul digital, implicațiile cercetarilor din științele naturale).

Această sesiune se desfasoara impreuna cu sesiunea Corpuri manipulate: Studii de caz ale interactiunilor post-mortem cu ramasite umane‘  – organizată impreuna cu Elizabeth Craig-Atkins (Universitatea din Sheffield) și Marianne Hem Eriksen (Universitatea din Oslo).

După moarte, corpul uman devine punctul central al unei game variate de activități desfășurate de cei vii. În timp ce îngroparea într-un mormânt într-un spatiu special delimitat pentru morți a fost o practică normativă în trecut în multe locuri din Europa, in acelasi timp există o multitudine de alte moduri în care morții au fost și continuă să fie gestionați . Acestea includ exhumări intenționate, răspunsuri la perturbări neintenționate și forme de colectionare și de pastrare a rămășițelor umane. De la oasele din osuare și rămășițele omenești din colecțiile muzeelor, la cele descoperite sub locuinte preistorice, oamenii si-au ‘colectionat’ semenii de-a lungul secolelor. Ce putem învăța din astfel de biografii post-mortem și care sunt provocările cu care se confruntă arheologii și curatorii? Această sesiune își propune să evidențieze intr-o perspectiva comparativa contexte sociale, culturale și temporale diferite, examinând astfel motivele, contextele și mijloacele prin care corpul material este manipulat după moarte.


Termenul limită de trimitere a rezumatelor pentru ambele sesiuni este: 15 februarie 2018.

Acestor evenimente le vor urma alte noutati și lucrări interesante, asa ca urmariti acest spatiu!